Mantacora's Knitting

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Just in from practice

Ugh......practice. Now, while I like Quiditch, and in general truely enjoy playing, I don't actually like practicing. I'm not fast enough to be a seeker, but as a Chaser I'm no slouch. The problem is that the Beaters on our team are REALLY good, so I end up taking a smacking.

So there we are above the pitch and Marvin Melrose whacks the beater smack into me and nearly knocks me off entierly. I am *so* glad dad made me put that sticky spell on my gloves for practice, I would have taken a tumble for sure. I'm so tierd, I'm glad we don't have any more homework tonight.

I want to go back and finish some of the experimenting I'm doing with the bag I'm working on, but *woof* I'm tierd.

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